Data Assurance is a step up from our Support Assurance package. It includes everything in the Support Assurance with the addition of Business Continuity. You may be wondering “Why do I need a ‘Business Continuity’ solution” or even “What is ‘Business Continuity’ and what does it mean”? In basic terms, Business Continuity is a Backup & Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution, but we are not just another BDR solution. With Data Assurance, we don’t just recover you from any disaster, we get you through the disaster with minimal downtime. With Normal BDR solutions, when a disaster happens, you’re business halts until those computers can be restored to new hardware. However with Data Assurance, we provide a true Business Continuity solution, where we virtualize any, or all, of your machines in a matter of minutes, thus limiting your overall downtime to less than a hour. Your business continues on running like nothing ever happened. That’s true Business Continuity – That’s Data Assurance.
Here are a couple of questions that you have to ask yourself:
Have you ever even thought about it? Most people don’t. They just plug along in their business and don’t give it a second thought and assume that their machines will always work. If you have ever lost a hard drive or computer, then you understand first-hand, how difficult it can be to recover from this kind of catastrophe. If you talk to anybody that has been in IT for any length of time they can tell you that there are 2 kinds of hard drives: those that fail and those that fail – It’s just matter of time. What kind of solution do you have in place today to protect your business if something were to happen?
Data Assurance is a business continuity package built on top of the Loggerhead IT Solutions’ Cloud servers. While installed on Windows desktops or servers, Data Assurance continuously mirrors your data to the our Cloud servers. Your data can be recovered from any point-in-time snapshots. Should a disaster or hardware failure occur, your desktop or server can be failed over and virtualized, then a live bare metal recovery can be performed, limiting your downtime tremendously during restoration.
Data Assurance’s integration with the Loggerhead IT Solutions Cloud servers provides a scalable platform where resources can be added as needed to increase storage as demanded or to increase the resources available during failover virtualization. Data Assurance can convert into a Total Assurance infrastructure with little configuration. In many cases, only an additional cloud server or two is required to begin transitioning from a business continuity solution (Data Assurance) to a full private cloud virtual infrastructure (Total Assurance).